72 Names of God-Miracles-Samech Yud Tav-03
72 Names of God-Miracles-Samech Yud Tet. We all can achieve miracles in...
72 Names of God-Healing-Mem Hey Shin-05
72 Names of God-Healing-Mem Hey Shin. This name brings healing energy to...
72 Names of God-Dreams-Lamed Lamed Hey-06
72 Names of God-Dreams-Lamed-Lamed-Hey. Dare to dream. Our souls soar to truthful,...
72 Names of God-Liberation-Lamed Aleph Vav-11
72 Names of God-Liberation-Lamed Aleph Vav. Purge negativity in my physical environment...
72 Names of God-Heaven on Earth-Yud Zayin Lamed-13
72 Names of God–Heaven on Earth-Yud Zayin Lamed. With this frequency we...
72 Names of God-Great Escape-Lamed Aleph Vav-17
72 Names of God-Great Escape-Lamed Aleph Vav. No form of negativity or...
72 Names of God-Fertility-Caf Lamed Yud-18
I will bring life into the world and that’s only the beginning....
72 Names of God-Remove Addictions-Pey Hey Lamed-20
72 Names of God-Remove Addictions-Pey Hey Lamed. No form of negativity or...
72 Names of God-Attract Healthy Bonds-Yud Yud Yud-22
72 Names of God-Attract Healthy Bonds-Yud Yud Yud. Healthy relationships involve honesty,...
72 Names of God-Soulmate-Shin Aleph Hey-28
72 Names of God-Soulmate-Shin Aleph Hey. The person I truly need and...
72 Names of God-Big Picture-Aleph Nun Yud-37
72 Names of God-Big Picture-Aleph Nun Yud. This name helps me see...
72 Names of God-Prosperity-Samech Aleph Lamed-45
72 Names of God-Prosperity-Samech Aleph Lamed. I acknowledge that the Light of...
72 Names of God-Happiness-Vav Hey Vav-49
72 Names of God-Happiness-Vav Hey Vav. This Name grants me the greatest...
72 Names of God-No Guilt-Hey Chet Shin-51
72 Names of God-No Guilt-Hey Chet Shin. My love is unconditional. It...
72 Names of God-Passion-Ayin Mem Mem-52
72 Names of God-Passion-Ayin Mem Mem. My prayers are heard and answered...
72 Names of God-Freedom-Mem Zadik Resh-60
72 Names of God-Freedom-Mem Zadik Resh. I welcome challenges, knowing that I...
72 Names of God-Pure Water-Vav Mem Bet-61
72 Names of God-Pure Water-Vav Mem Bet. I know that Kabbalah emphasizes...
72 Names of God-Mentor-Yud Hey Hey-62
72 Names of God-Mentor-Yud Hey Hey. I want to lovingly, respectfully, and...
72 Names of God-Appreciation-Ayin Nun Vav-63
72 Names of God-Appreciation-Ayin Nun Vav. I am confident that my future...
72 Names of God-Dialing Departed-Chet Bet Vav-68
72 Names of God-Dialing Departed-Chet Bet Vav-68. I know that my loved ones...
72 Names of God-Parallel Universes-Hey Yud Yud-71
72 Names of God-Parallel Universes-Hey Yud Yud. I see the future and...