Cancer Fighting Tea
Hyssop Herb Benefits
Hyssop Herb has been used for centuries as an antiseptic agent; one of its common uses as an essential oil is as a medicinal plant and aromatic herb. Hyssop oil spiritual uses date back thousands of years ago. For thousands of years, hyssop has been an herb used as a purifier and cleanser.
Hyssop, or Hyssopus officinalis, is a herbaceous plant of the genus Hyssopus, and it’s native to Southern Europe, the Middle East and the region surrounding the Caspian Sea. Its name comes from the Hebrew word adobe or ezob, which literally means “holy herb.” Today, hyssop is used for digestive and intestinal problems, including liver and gallbladder conditions, intestinal pain and loss of appetite. It’s also used for respiratory problems in various ways, such as eliminating coughs, helping to prevent the common cold and respiratory infections, soothing sore throats, and as one of the natural remedies for asthma.
Hyssop is part of the mint family, so it has a minty taste that can be rather intense when added to foods. It’s best to use the herb in smaller quantities when adding it to salads, broths or soups. The main components of hyssop oil include monoterpenes (cis-pinochamphone, trans-pinocamphone and beta-pinene) and sequiterpenes (germacrene and elemol); however, the chemical composition does vary depending on the plant’s growth stage when extracted.
The flavonoids present in hyssop oil provide beneficial antioxidant activity. An analysis published in the Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin was able to indicate that there are 20 compounds in hyssop oil, representing 99.9 percent of the oil’s makeup. Apigenin 7-O-β-D-glucuronide was isolated as the major flavonoid; myrtenylacetate, camphor, germacrene and spathulenol are the other main compounds that were found. The findings of this chemical breakdown revealed that hyssop possesses valuable high-antioxidant properties for culinary and medicinal use, especially because it serves as an antioxidant. There are many benefits to Hyssop:
1. Helps Respiratory Conditions: Hyssop is antispasmodic, meaning it relieves spasms in the respiratory system and soothes coughs. It’s also an expectorant — it loosens phlegm that has been deposited in the respiratory tracts. This property helps heal infections from the common cold, and it helps treat respiratory conditions, such as serving as a bronchitis natural remedy. Coughing is a common reaction of the respiratory system trying to expel harmful microbes, dust or irritants, so hyssop’s antispasmodic and antiseptic properties make it a great natural treatment for coughs and other respiratory conditions. Hyssop can also work as a remedy for sore throats, making it a great tool for people who use their voices throughout the day, like teachers, singers and lecturers. The best way to soothe the throat and respiratory system is to drink hyssop tea or add a few drops of oil to your throat and chest.

Cancer Fighting Tea
Dear Friend:
We believe this gift has come into your life for a special purpose. Whether you have recently learned of health challenges facing a loved one, a friend, or even yourself, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you, wishing you vitality, strength, and good health.
For years, we have personally used our 100% Organic Herbal Cancer Fighting Tea as a daily part of our wellness routine, and it has shown remarkable results in supporting those who are facing health challenges. Many who have tried this tea have found it to be a source of comfort and strength, with some even experiencing remission.
If you’re open to a new experience, we would love for you to try our tea. Carefully crafted from a proprietary blend of organic, all-natural herbs, it is designed to support your body’s natural defenses and encourage overall wellness. These herbs, which are becoming increasingly difficult to source due to their rarity, have remarkable holistic properties and are often used in spiritual practices. With over 5,000 years of documented use, the very ingredients in our tea have been trusted to support health, healing, and transformation.
To help you begin your journey toward wellness, we’ve also included a special gift: a 15-ounce mug titled, “Healing”. This extraordinary metaphysical mug is imprinted with three powerful symbols, each radiating frequencies of positive energy that support the healing of the mind, spirit, and body. May it serve as a constant reminder of the powerful energy available to you.
We know this tea will be a source of comfort, strength, and healing.
God Bless You on Your Journey!

Cancer Fighting Tea
Parasite Fighting Herb
2. Fights Parasites: Hyssop has the ability to fight parasites, which are organisms that feed off the nutrients of other organisms. Some examples of parasites include tapeworm, fleas, hookworms and flukes. Because it’s a vermifuge, hyssop oil expels parasitic works, especially in the intestines. When a parasite lives in and feed on its host, it disrupts nutrient absorption and causes weakness and disease. If the parasite is living in the intestines, it disrupts the digestive and immune systems. Therefore, hyssop can be a key part of a parasite cleanse, as hyssop helps many systems in the body and ensures that your needed nutrients aren’t taken by these dangerous organisms.
3. Fights Infections: Hyssop prevents infections from developing in wounds and cuts. Because of its antiseptic properties, when it’s applied to an opening of the skin, it fights infection and kills bacteria. Hyssop also helps in healing deep cuts, scars, insect bites and even can be one of the great home remedies for acne. A study done at the Department of Virology, Hygiene Institute in Germany tested hyssop oil’s ability to fight genital herpes by testing plaque reduction. Genital herpes is a chronic, persistent infection that is spread efficiently and silently as a sexually transmitted disease. The study found that hyssop oil lowered plaque formation by more than 90 percent, proving that the oil interacted with the virus and serves as a therapeutic application for the treatment of herpes.
4. Increases Circulation: An increase in blood flow or circulation in the body benefits the heart and the body’s muscles and arteries. Hyssop improves and promotes circulation because of its anti-rheumatic properties. By increasing circulation, hyssop can work as a natural remedy for gout, rheumatism, arthritis and swelling. Your heart rate lowers when your blood circulates properly, and then your heart muscles relax and your blood pressure flows evenly throughout the body, affecting every organ. So many people are looking for natural arthritis treatments because it can be a crippling condition. Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, occurs when cartilage between joints wears down, causing inflammation and pain. By increasing circulation, hyssop oil and tea inhibit swelling and inflammation, allowing the blood to flow through the body and relieve the pressure that builds up because of clogged arteries. Because of its ability to improve circulation, hyssop oil is also a home remedy and treatment for hemorrhoids, which are experienced by 75 percent of Americans at some point in their lives. Hemorrhoids are caused by an increase in pressure on the veins of the anus and rectum. The pressure on the veins causes swelling, pain and bleeding.
5. Relieves Muscle Pain and Spasms: Almost everybody has likely experienced discomfort in his or her muscles at some point. Because almost every part of the body has muscle tissue, this type of pain can be felt practically anywhere. A study done at the Department of Pharmacology of Natural Substances and General Physiology in Italy found that hyssop oil had muscle-relaxing activity when it was tested on guinea pig and rabbit intestines. The hyssop oil treatment inhibited contractions and reduced the amplitude of spontaneous movements. Hyssop oil’s antispasmotic properties can help treat muscle aches, cramps and charley horses naturally.
6. Supports Healthy Immune Response: Hyssop improves circulation and digestion, while it kills bacteria and parasites — all of these benefits boost the immune system to work properly. By decreasing inflammation and allowing blood to run through our organs, hyssop oil maintains the function of the entire body. One promising study done at the Department of Medicine, North Shore University Hospital in New York found that hyssop extracts contain caffeic acid, unidentified tannins and possibly a third class of unidentified higher molecular weight compounds that exhibit strong anti-HIV activity — thus, it may be useful in the treatment of patients with AIDS.

Cancer Fighting Tea
Cleans the Blood
7. Helps Digestion: Hyssop oil is a stimulant, so it increases the production of secretions, like bile, digestive enzymes and acid. These gastric juices are necessary in order to break down food as it makes its way to the stomach. We have digestive juices that contain enzymes in order to speed up the chemical reactions in the body and break down food into nutrients. By facilitating digestion, hyssop oil helps with the decomposition of complex proteins, carbohydrates and nutrients. Because the digestive system interacts with all other body systems, including the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, the role that hyssop plays as a stimulant is very beneficial. Hyssop oil can also be helpful with intestinal gas, indigestion and loss of appetite.
8. Promotes Skin:Health Hyssop oil can work as a natural treatment for acne. Because hyssop oil is antiseptic, it can kill bacteria on the skin and fight infections. Research also demonstrates that hyssop essential oil exhibits bacteriostatic activity, which means it can stop bacteria from reproducing.
You can make a bigger batch of tea and reheat it when needed. Hyssop tea is a great way to relieve respiratory infections, the common cold and sore throat. It also helps regulate your digestive system and supports the immune system. You can even dab hyssop tea on your wounds, cuts and bruises to speed up the recovery process and minimize the look of dark spots and scars.
Possible Hyssop Oil Side Effects and Precautions: Hyssop is considered safe for most people in the amounts commonly found in foods and in medicinal amounts. It’s not safe to use hyssop during pregnancy because it might cause the uterus to contract or start menstruation, and these effects could lead to a miscarriage. It’s not known whether hyssop is safe to use during breastfeeding, so avoid using it or speak to your doctor first.
Hyssop is included in our proprietary of Cancer Fighting Tea and can be brewed into a soothing herbal tea. Add honey or agave to sweeten to your taste.
Our Cancer Fighting Tea team has consciously included this powerful ingredient in our proprietary blend of Cancer Fighting Tea, designed to support your body’s natural defenses. This special blend works harmoniously to cleanse and rejuvenate your heart, blood, liver, kidneys, and lungs, promoting overall wellness for your entire body. Sip your way to a healthier, more vibrant you with every cup, as we help you fuel your body’s fight for balance and vitality.
Customers Using Our Cancer Fighting Tea Say:
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Lorenzo G. 78 - Logistics
“I was diagnosed with cancer and had about 6 months to live. I was doing chemotherapy and was getting weaker. My handyman gave me a nice mug title "Heal Yourself" along with a container of cancer fighting tea. I didn't believe that the tea would do anything, but I drank it for about a month. I continued chemotherapy while drinking my tea and my technician asked me if I was doing anything different. When I asked him why and he told me that the cancer cells were getting smaller. About a month later I was taken off of all
treatments and sent home. I was in remission.” -
Tabitha S. 25 - Barista
"I work at a coffee shop and my customer noticed that I had lost a lot of weight. I told him that I didn't know what was going on, but that I had also lost over half of my head of hair. He gifted me a container of Cancer Fighting Tea that he and his wife use and told me to try it and see how it works. I'm drinking and massaging my head with this tea and my hair is growing back. I have also noticed that my appetite is better and I am feeling healthier.”
Paul S. 57 - Handyman
"I was having a hard time with kidney stones. My wife insisted that I try Cancer Fighting Tea. To appease her I used it for a couple of months. It has helped me disolve the kidney stones and has improved my over all health.
I rewarded my wife for being stubborn with travel tote from the same store.”
Cancer Fighting Tea

72 Names of God-Healing-Mem Hey Shin
The power of this name channels healing energy to the deepest, most transformative levels of our being. It empowers us to fully embrace responsibility for our current state and directs our energy toward supporting others in need of healing.
About the 72 Names of God
Our brand is inspired by the sacred energy of the Hebrew letters, each one carrying a powerful frequency that connects us to a higher realm of spiritual wisdom and divine energy. The ancient Kabbalist Rav Shimon bar Yochai wrote in the Zohar that it was not God, but Moses, who parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to narrowly escape Pharaoh and the Egyptian army. To perform this extraordinary feat, Moses combined the power of unwavering certainty with a profound spiritual technology—one that granted him access to the subatomic realm of nature itself.
This hidden formula, which Moses used to transcend the laws of nature, has remained concealed in the Zohar for over 2,000 years.It is known as the 72 Names of God. These are not personal names like Sally or Bob, but 72 sacred sequences of Hebrew letters, each holding immense power to transcend the laws of nature, including the laws that govern human nature itself. While the formula was embedded in the biblical story of the parting of the Red Sea, it remained a secret, known only to a select group of Kabbalists. These mystics understood that, at the right time, the formula would be revealed to the world.
To learn how to harness the power of the 72 Names, and understand their deeper purposes, we recommend reading The 72 Names of God: Technology for the Soul. Even if you don't speak or read Hebrew, you can begin to experience miraculous changes in your life.After millennia of concealment, contemporary seekers can now access this powerful energy by learning about and invoking the 72 Names of God. Each of the 72 Names is a three-letter sequence that serves as an index to specific spiritual frequencies. By simply visualizing these letters or meditating upon them, you can connect with these powerful energies.
To illustrate how this works, think of a tuning fork—a tool used to create a precise pitch. When a vibrating tuning fork is brought close to another that is not vibrating, the second fork begins to resonate through a phenomenon known as 'sympathetic resonance.'In the same way, the 72 Names act like spiritual tuning forks, helping to align and repair your soul. Practically speaking, this means that you don't have to endure certain life challenges or tests; you can fine-tune your body and soul to higher spiritual frequencies that transcend what your eyes can perceive.
Custom Coffee Mugs 15oz-Red-72 Names of God-Heal Yourself-Mem Hey Shin

Cancer Fighting Tea